- cancelUrcbReservation(Urcb) - Method in class com.beanit.iec61850bean.ClientAssociation
- CF - com.beanit.iec61850bean.Fc
- CHECK - com.beanit.iec61850bean.BdaType
- CheckDataBind - Class in com.beanit.iec61850bean.clientgui.databind
- CheckDataBind(BdaCheck) - Constructor for class com.beanit.iec61850bean.clientgui.databind.CheckDataBind
- children - Variable in class com.beanit.iec61850bean.ModelNode
- CLASS_NOT_SUPPORTED - Static variable in exception com.beanit.iec61850bean.ServiceError
- ClientAcseSap - Class in com.beanit.josistack
This class implements the Service Access Point (SAP) for the Application Control Service Element
(ACSE) protocol as defined by ISO 8650 or ITU X.217/X.227.
- ClientAcseSap() - Constructor for class com.beanit.josistack.ClientAcseSap
Use this constructor to create a client ACSE Service Access Point (SAP) that will start
connections to remote ACSE SAPs.
- ClientAcseSap(SocketFactory) - Constructor for class com.beanit.josistack.ClientAcseSap
- ClientAssociation - Class in com.beanit.iec61850bean
Represents an association/connection to an IEC 61850 MMS server.
- ClientEventListener - Interface in com.beanit.iec61850bean
The listener interface for receiving incoming reports and association closed events.
- ClientGui - Class in com.beanit.iec61850bean.clientgui
- ClientGui() - Constructor for class com.beanit.iec61850bean.clientgui.ClientGui
- ClientSap - Class in com.beanit.iec61850bean
The ClientSap
class represents the IEC 61850 service access point for client
- ClientSap() - Constructor for class com.beanit.iec61850bean.ClientSap
Use this constructor to create a default client SAP.
- ClientSap(SocketFactory) - Constructor for class com.beanit.iec61850bean.ClientSap
Use this constructor to create a client SAP that uses the given SocketFactory
connect to servers.
- ClientTSap - Class in com.beanit.jositransport
This class implements a client Transport Service Access Point (TSAP) over TCP/IP as defined in
RFC 1006, ISO 8072, and ISO 8073.
- ClientTSap() - Constructor for class com.beanit.jositransport.ClientTSap
Use this constructor to create a client TSAP that will start connections to remote TSAPs.
- ClientTSap(SocketFactory) - Constructor for class com.beanit.jositransport.ClientTSap
Use this constructor to create a client TSAP that will start connections to remote TSAPs.
- close() - Method in class com.beanit.iec61850bean.ClientAssociation
Will close the connection simply by closing the TCP socket.
- close() - Method in class com.beanit.josistack.AcseAssociation
Closes the connection simply by closing the socket.
- close() - Method in class com.beanit.jositransport.TConnection
Will close the TCP connection if its still open and free any resources of this connection.
- CO - com.beanit.iec61850bean.Fc
Control, deprecated but kept here for backward compatibility
- com.beanit.iec61850bean - package com.beanit.iec61850bean
- com.beanit.iec61850bean.clientgui - package com.beanit.iec61850bean.clientgui
- com.beanit.iec61850bean.clientgui.databind - package com.beanit.iec61850bean.clientgui.databind
- com.beanit.iec61850bean.clientgui.util - package com.beanit.iec61850bean.clientgui.util
- com.beanit.josistack - package com.beanit.josistack
- com.beanit.jositransport - package com.beanit.jositransport
- CONNECTION_LOST - Static variable in exception com.beanit.iec61850bean.ServiceError
- connectionIndication(AcseAssociation, ByteBuffer) - Method in interface com.beanit.josistack.AcseAssociationListener
- connectionIndication(TConnection) - Method in class com.beanit.josistack.ServerAcseSap
This function is internal and should not be called by users of this class.
- connectionIndication(TConnection) - Method in interface com.beanit.jositransport.TConnectionListener
- connectTo(InetAddress, int) - Method in class com.beanit.jositransport.ClientTSap
Connect to a remote TSAP that is listening at the destination address.
- connectTo(InetAddress, int, InetAddress, int) - Method in class com.beanit.jositransport.ClientTSap
Connect to a remote TSAP that is listening at the destination address.
- ConstructedDataAttribute - Class in com.beanit.iec61850bean
- ConstructedDataAttribute(ObjectReference, Fc, List<FcModelNode>) - Constructor for class com.beanit.iec61850bean.ConstructedDataAttribute
- CONTROL_MUST_BE_SELECTED - Static variable in exception com.beanit.iec61850bean.ServiceError
- copy() - Method in class com.beanit.iec61850bean.Array
- copy() - Method in class com.beanit.iec61850bean.BdaBoolean
- copy() - Method in class com.beanit.iec61850bean.BdaCheck
- copy() - Method in class com.beanit.iec61850bean.BdaDoubleBitPos
- copy() - Method in class com.beanit.iec61850bean.BdaEntryTime
- copy() - Method in class com.beanit.iec61850bean.BdaFloat32
- copy() - Method in class com.beanit.iec61850bean.BdaFloat64
- copy() - Method in class com.beanit.iec61850bean.BdaInt128
- copy() - Method in class com.beanit.iec61850bean.BdaInt16
- copy() - Method in class com.beanit.iec61850bean.BdaInt16U
- copy() - Method in class com.beanit.iec61850bean.BdaInt32
- copy() - Method in class com.beanit.iec61850bean.BdaInt32U
- copy() - Method in class com.beanit.iec61850bean.BdaInt64
- copy() - Method in class com.beanit.iec61850bean.BdaInt8
- copy() - Method in class com.beanit.iec61850bean.BdaInt8U
- copy() - Method in class com.beanit.iec61850bean.BdaOctetString
- copy() - Method in class com.beanit.iec61850bean.BdaOptFlds
- copy() - Method in class com.beanit.iec61850bean.BdaQuality
- copy() - Method in class com.beanit.iec61850bean.BdaReasonForInclusion
- copy() - Method in class com.beanit.iec61850bean.BdaTapCommand
- copy() - Method in class com.beanit.iec61850bean.BdaTimestamp
- copy() - Method in class com.beanit.iec61850bean.BdaTriggerConditions
- copy() - Method in class com.beanit.iec61850bean.BdaUnicodeString
- copy() - Method in class com.beanit.iec61850bean.BdaVisibleString
- copy() - Method in class com.beanit.iec61850bean.Brcb
- copy() - Method in class com.beanit.iec61850bean.ConstructedDataAttribute
- copy() - Method in class com.beanit.iec61850bean.DataSet
- copy() - Method in class com.beanit.iec61850bean.FcDataObject
- copy() - Method in class com.beanit.iec61850bean.LogicalDevice
- copy() - Method in class com.beanit.iec61850bean.LogicalNode
- copy() - Method in class com.beanit.iec61850bean.ModelNode
Returns a copy of model node with all of its children.
- copy() - Method in class com.beanit.iec61850bean.ServerModel
- copy() - Method in class com.beanit.iec61850bean.Urcb
- Counter - Class in com.beanit.iec61850bean.clientgui.util
- Counter() - Constructor for class com.beanit.iec61850bean.clientgui.util.Counter
- Counter(int) - Constructor for class com.beanit.iec61850bean.clientgui.util.Counter
- createDataSet(DataSet) - Method in class com.beanit.iec61850bean.ClientAssociation
The client should create the data set first and add it to either the non-persistent list or to
the model.
- get(int) - Method in class com.beanit.iec61850bean.ObjectReference
- getAllDataValues() - Method in class com.beanit.iec61850bean.ClientAssociation
Will update all data inside the model except for control variables (those that have FC=CO).
- getAssociateResponseAPdu() - Method in class com.beanit.josistack.AcseAssociation
- getBacklog() - Method in class com.beanit.iec61850bean.ServerSap
- getBasicDataAttributes() - Method in class com.beanit.iec61850bean.Array
- getBasicDataAttributes() - Method in class com.beanit.iec61850bean.BasicDataAttribute
- getBasicDataAttributes() - Method in class com.beanit.iec61850bean.DataSet
- getBasicDataAttributes() - Method in class com.beanit.iec61850bean.ModelNode
Returns a list of all leaf nodes (basic data attributes) contained in the subtree of this model
- getBasicType() - Method in class com.beanit.iec61850bean.BasicDataAttribute
- getBindAddress() - Method in class com.beanit.iec61850bean.ServerSap
- getBrcb(String) - Method in class com.beanit.iec61850bean.LogicalNode
- getBrcb(String) - Method in class com.beanit.iec61850bean.ServerModel
Get the buffered report control block (BRCB) with the given reference.
- getBrcbs() - Method in class com.beanit.iec61850bean.LogicalNode
- getBrcbs() - Method in class com.beanit.iec61850bean.ServerModel
Get a collection of all buffered report control blocks (BRCB) that exist in this model.
- getBufOvfl() - Method in class com.beanit.iec61850bean.Report
The parameter BufOvfl shall indicate to the client that entries within the buffer may have been
- getBufTm() - Method in class com.beanit.iec61850bean.Rcb
Gets the buffer time - The attribute BufTm (see Figure 27) shall specify the time interval in
milliseconds for the buffering of internal notifications caused by data-change (dchg),
quality-change (qchg), data update (dupd) by the BRCB for inclusion into a single report.
- getCBValues - Variable in class com.beanit.iec61850bean.ServiceSupport
- getChild(int) - Method in class com.beanit.iec61850bean.Array
- getChild(String) - Method in class com.beanit.iec61850bean.BasicDataAttribute
- getChild(String) - Method in class com.beanit.iec61850bean.ModelNode
Returns the child node with the given name.
- getChild(String, Fc) - Method in class com.beanit.iec61850bean.Array
- getChild(String, Fc) - Method in class com.beanit.iec61850bean.BasicDataAttribute
- getChild(String, Fc) - Method in class com.beanit.iec61850bean.LogicalNode
- getChild(String, Fc) - Method in class com.beanit.iec61850bean.ModelNode
Returns the child node with the given name and functional constraint.
- getChildAt(int) - Method in interface com.beanit.iec61850bean.clientgui.DataTreeNode
- getChildCount() - Method in interface com.beanit.iec61850bean.clientgui.DataTreeNode
- getChildren() - Method in class com.beanit.iec61850bean.Array
- getChildren() - Method in class com.beanit.iec61850bean.BasicDataAttribute
- getChildren() - Method in class com.beanit.iec61850bean.ModelNode
- getChildren(Fc) - Method in class com.beanit.iec61850bean.LogicalNode
- getClockFailure() - Method in class com.beanit.iec61850bean.BdaTimestamp
The attribute clockFailure shall indicate that the time source of the sending device is
- getClockNotSynchronized() - Method in class com.beanit.iec61850bean.BdaTimestamp
The attribute clockNotSynchronized shall indicate that the time source of the sending device is
not synchronized with the external UTC time.
- getConfRev() - Method in class com.beanit.iec61850bean.Rcb
Configuration revision The attribute ConfRev shall represent a count of the number of times
that the configuration of the DATA-SET referenced by DatSet has been changed.
- getConfRev() - Method in class com.beanit.iec61850bean.Report
- getData() - Method in class com.beanit.iec61850bean.clientgui.DataObjectTreeNode
- getData() - Method in class com.beanit.iec61850bean.clientgui.DataSetTreeNode
- getData() - Method in interface com.beanit.iec61850bean.clientgui.DataTreeNode
- getDataObjectDefinition - Variable in class com.beanit.iec61850bean.ServiceSupport
- getDataRef() - Method in class com.beanit.iec61850bean.ReportEntryData
- getDataSet(String) - Method in class com.beanit.iec61850bean.ServerModel
Get the data set with the given reference.
- getDataSetRef() - Method in class com.beanit.iec61850bean.Report
- getDataSets() - Method in class com.beanit.iec61850bean.ServerModel
Get a collection of all data sets that exist in this model.
- getDataSetValue - Variable in class com.beanit.iec61850bean.ServiceSupport
- getDataSetValues(DataSet) - Method in class com.beanit.iec61850bean.ClientAssociation
The implementation of the GetDataSetValues ACSI service.
- getDataValues(FcModelNode) - Method in class com.beanit.iec61850bean.ClientAssociation
The implementation of the GetDataValues ACSI service.
- getDatSet() - Method in class com.beanit.iec61850bean.Rcb
Gets the object reference of the DataSet that is to be monitored for reporting events.
- getDchg() - Method in class com.beanit.iec61850bean.BasicDataAttribute
- getDirectory - Variable in class com.beanit.iec61850bean.ServiceSupport
- getDouble() - Method in class com.beanit.iec61850bean.BdaFloat64
- getDoubleBitPos() - Method in class com.beanit.iec61850bean.BdaDoubleBitPos
- getDupd() - Method in class com.beanit.iec61850bean.BasicDataAttribute
- getEntryId() - Method in class com.beanit.iec61850bean.Brcb
- getEntryId() - Method in class com.beanit.iec61850bean.Report
- getErrorCode() - Method in exception com.beanit.iec61850bean.ServiceError
- getFc() - Method in class com.beanit.iec61850bean.FcModelNode
- getFile(String, GetFileListener) - Method in class com.beanit.iec61850bean.ClientAssociation
Read a file from the server
- getFileDirectory(String) - Method in class com.beanit.iec61850bean.ClientAssociation
Read the file directory of the server
- GetFileListener - Interface in com.beanit.iec61850bean
Callback handler for GetFile service
- getFilename() - Method in class com.beanit.iec61850bean.FileInformation
- getFileSize() - Method in class com.beanit.iec61850bean.FileInformation
- getFloat() - Method in class com.beanit.iec61850bean.BdaFloat32
- getId() - Method in class com.beanit.iec61850bean.ReportEntryData
- getInclusionBitString() - Method in class com.beanit.iec61850bean.Report
Indicator of data set members included in the report
- getInstant() - Method in class com.beanit.iec61850bean.BdaTimestamp
- getInterlockCheck() - Method in class com.beanit.iec61850bean.BdaCheck
- getIntgPd() - Method in class com.beanit.iec61850bean.Rcb
- getIntValue() - Method in enum com.beanit.iec61850bean.BdaDoubleBitPos.DoubleBitPos
- getIntValue() - Method in enum com.beanit.iec61850bean.BdaQuality.Validity
- getIntValue() - Method in enum com.beanit.iec61850bean.BdaTapCommand.TapCommand
- getIterators() - Method in class com.beanit.iec61850bean.ModelNode
- getLastModified() - Method in class com.beanit.iec61850bean.FileInformation
Get the time stamp of last modification.
- getLdName() - Method in class com.beanit.iec61850bean.ObjectReference
- getLeapSecondsKnown() - Method in class com.beanit.iec61850bean.BdaTimestamp
The value TRUE of the attribute LeapSecondsKnown shall indicate that the value for
SecondSinceEpoch takes into account all leap seconds occurred.
- getMaxLength() - Method in class com.beanit.iec61850bean.BdaOctetString
- getMaxLength() - Method in class com.beanit.iec61850bean.BdaUnicodeString
- getMaxLength() - Method in class com.beanit.iec61850bean.BdaVisibleString
- getMaxMmsPduSize() - Method in class com.beanit.iec61850bean.ClientSap
Gets the maximum MMS PDU size.
- getMaxMmsPduSize() - Method in class com.beanit.iec61850bean.ServerSap
Gets the maximum MMS PDU size.
- getMaxNumBits() - Method in class com.beanit.iec61850bean.BdaBitString
- getMaxTPDUSize(int) - Static method in class com.beanit.jositransport.ClientTSap
Calculates and returns the maximum TPDUSize.
- getMaxTPDUSize(int) - Static method in class com.beanit.jositransport.ServerTSap
Calculates and returns the maximum TPDUSize.
- getMaxTPDUSizeParam() - Method in class com.beanit.jositransport.ClientTSap
Get the maximum TPDU size parameter to be used by this TSAP
- getMaxTPDUSizeParam() - Method in class com.beanit.jositransport.ServerTSap
Get the maximum TPDU size parameter to be used by this TSAP
- getMember(int) - Method in class com.beanit.iec61850bean.DataSet
- getMember(ObjectReference, Fc) - Method in class com.beanit.iec61850bean.DataSet
- getMembers() - Method in class com.beanit.iec61850bean.DataSet
- getMessageFragmentTimeout() - Method in class com.beanit.jositransport.TConnection
- getMessageTimeout() - Method in class com.beanit.josistack.AcseAssociation
- getMessageTimeout() - Method in class com.beanit.jositransport.TConnection
- getModelCopy() - Method in class com.beanit.iec61850bean.ServerSap
- getModelTree() - Method in class com.beanit.iec61850bean.clientgui.ServerModelParser
- getName() - Method in class com.beanit.iec61850bean.ModelNode
Returns the name of the model node.
- getName() - Method in class com.beanit.iec61850bean.ObjectReference
Returns name part of the reference.
- getNameLabel() - Method in class com.beanit.iec61850bean.clientgui.BasicDataBind
- getNode() - Method in class com.beanit.iec61850bean.clientgui.DataObjectTreeNode
- getNode() - Method in class com.beanit.iec61850bean.clientgui.DataSetTreeNode
- getOptFlds() - Method in class com.beanit.iec61850bean.Rcb
Gets the optional fields parameter which specifies which optional fields should be included in
the reports sent by this RCB.
- getParent() - Method in class com.beanit.iec61850bean.ModelNode
Returns the parent node of this node.
- getPort() - Method in class com.beanit.iec61850bean.ServerSap
- getProposedDataStructureNestingLevel() - Method in class com.beanit.iec61850bean.ServerSap
Gets the ProposedDataStructureNestingLevel parameter.
- getProposedMaxServOutstandingCalled() - Method in class com.beanit.iec61850bean.ServerSap
Gets the ProposedMaxServOutstandingCalled parameter.
- getProposedMaxServOutstandingCalling() - Method in class com.beanit.iec61850bean.ServerSap
Gets the ProposedMaxServOutstandingCalling parameter.
- getPurgeBuf() - Method in class com.beanit.iec61850bean.Brcb
- getQchg() - Method in class com.beanit.iec61850bean.BasicDataAttribute
- getRcbValues(Rcb) - Method in class com.beanit.iec61850bean.ClientAssociation
- getReasonCode() - Method in class com.beanit.iec61850bean.ReportEntryData
- getReasonCodes() - Method in class com.beanit.iec61850bean.Report
Gets the reasons for inclusion
- getReference() - Method in class com.beanit.iec61850bean.ModelNode
Returns the reference of the model node.
- getReferenceStr() - Method in class com.beanit.iec61850bean.DataSet
- getReport() - Method in class com.beanit.iec61850bean.ReportEntryData
- getResponseTimeout() - Method in class com.beanit.iec61850bean.ClientAssociation
Gets the response timeout.
- getResv() - Method in class com.beanit.iec61850bean.Urcb
Reserve URCB - The attribute Resv (if set to TRUE) shall indicate that the URCB is currently
exclusively reserved for the client that has set the value to TRUE.
- getResvTms() - Method in class com.beanit.iec61850bean.Brcb
Gets the ResvTms attribute.
- getRptEna() - Method in class com.beanit.iec61850bean.Rcb
Gets the boolean value which states whether reporting is enabled.
- getRptId() - Method in class com.beanit.iec61850bean.Rcb
Gets the RptID (Report ID).
- getRptId() - Method in class com.beanit.iec61850bean.Report
- getSAddr() - Method in class com.beanit.iec61850bean.BasicDataAttribute
- getServicesSupportedCalled() - Method in class com.beanit.iec61850bean.ServerSap
Gets the ServicesSupportedCalled parameter.
- getServicesSupportedCalling() - Method in class com.beanit.iec61850bean.ClientSap
Gets the ServicesSupportedCalling parameter.
- getSPDUTypeString(byte) - Static method in class com.beanit.josistack.AcseAssociation
- getSqNum() - Method in class com.beanit.iec61850bean.Rcb
Gets the sequence number - The attribute SqNum shall specify the sequence number for each BRCB
that has report enable set to TRUE.
- getSqNum() - Method in class com.beanit.iec61850bean.Report
Sequence numberThe parameter MoreSegmentsFollow indicates that more report segments with the
same sequence number follow, counted up for every Report
instance generated
- getStringValue() - Method in class com.beanit.iec61850bean.BdaVisibleString
- getSubSqNum() - Method in class com.beanit.iec61850bean.Report
For the case of long reports that do not fit into one message, a single report shall be divided
into subreports.
- getSynchrocheck() - Method in class com.beanit.iec61850bean.BdaCheck
- getTapCommand() - Method in class com.beanit.iec61850bean.BdaTapCommand
- getTimeAccuracy() - Method in class com.beanit.iec61850bean.BdaTimestamp
The attribute TimeAccuracy shall represent the time accuracy class of the time source of the
sending device relative to the external UTC time.
- getTimeOfEntry() - Method in class com.beanit.iec61850bean.Brcb
- getTimeOfEntry() - Method in class com.beanit.iec61850bean.Report
The parameter TimeOfEntry shall specify the time when the EntryID was created
- getTimestampValue() - Method in class com.beanit.iec61850bean.BdaEntryTime
- getTreeCellRendererComponent(JTree, Object, boolean, boolean, boolean, int, boolean) - Method in class com.beanit.iec61850bean.clientgui.DataObjectTreeCellRenderer
- getTrgOps() - Method in class com.beanit.iec61850bean.Rcb
- getTselLocal() - Method in class com.beanit.iec61850bean.clientgui.SettingsFrame
- getTselRemote() - Method in class com.beanit.iec61850bean.clientgui.SettingsFrame
- getUrcb(String) - Method in class com.beanit.iec61850bean.LogicalNode
- getUrcb(String) - Method in class com.beanit.iec61850bean.ServerModel
Get the unbuffered report control block (URCB) with the given reference.
- getUrcbs() - Method in class com.beanit.iec61850bean.LogicalNode
- getUrcbs() - Method in class com.beanit.iec61850bean.ServerModel
Get a collection of all unbuffered report control blocks (URCB) that exist in this model.
- getValidity() - Method in class com.beanit.iec61850bean.BdaQuality
- getValue() - Method in class com.beanit.iec61850bean.BdaBitString
- getValue() - Method in class com.beanit.iec61850bean.BdaBoolean
- getValue() - Method in class com.beanit.iec61850bean.BdaEntryTime
- getValue() - Method in class com.beanit.iec61850bean.BdaFloat32
- getValue() - Method in class com.beanit.iec61850bean.BdaFloat64
- getValue() - Method in class com.beanit.iec61850bean.BdaInt128
- getValue() - Method in class com.beanit.iec61850bean.BdaInt16
- getValue() - Method in class com.beanit.iec61850bean.BdaInt16U
- getValue() - Method in class com.beanit.iec61850bean.BdaInt32
- getValue() - Method in class com.beanit.iec61850bean.BdaInt32U
- getValue() - Method in class com.beanit.iec61850bean.BdaInt64
- getValue() - Method in class com.beanit.iec61850bean.BdaInt8
- getValue() - Method in class com.beanit.iec61850bean.BdaInt8U
- getValue() - Method in class com.beanit.iec61850bean.BdaOctetString
- getValue() - Method in class com.beanit.iec61850bean.BdaTimestamp
- getValue() - Method in class com.beanit.iec61850bean.BdaUnicodeString
- getValue() - Method in class com.beanit.iec61850bean.BdaVisibleString
- getValue() - Method in class com.beanit.iec61850bean.clientgui.util.Counter
- getValue() - Method in class com.beanit.iec61850bean.ReportEntryData
- getValueField() - Method in class com.beanit.iec61850bean.clientgui.BasicDataBind
- getValues() - Method in class com.beanit.iec61850bean.Report
- getValueString() - Method in class com.beanit.iec61850bean.BasicDataAttribute
- getValueString() - Method in class com.beanit.iec61850bean.BdaBitString
- getValueString() - Method in class com.beanit.iec61850bean.BdaBoolean
- getValueString() - Method in class com.beanit.iec61850bean.BdaDoubleBitPos
- getValueString() - Method in class com.beanit.iec61850bean.BdaEntryTime
- getValueString() - Method in class com.beanit.iec61850bean.BdaFloat32
- getValueString() - Method in class com.beanit.iec61850bean.BdaFloat64
- getValueString() - Method in class com.beanit.iec61850bean.BdaInt128
- getValueString() - Method in class com.beanit.iec61850bean.BdaInt32
- getValueString() - Method in class com.beanit.iec61850bean.BdaInt32U
- getValueString() - Method in class com.beanit.iec61850bean.BdaInt8
- getValueString() - Method in class com.beanit.iec61850bean.BdaQuality
- getValueString() - Method in class com.beanit.iec61850bean.BdaTimestamp
- getValueString() - Method in class com.beanit.iec61850bean.BdaVisibleString
- GI - com.beanit.iec61850bean.ReportEntryData.ReasonCode
- GOOD - com.beanit.iec61850bean.BdaQuality.Validity
- goose - Variable in class com.beanit.iec61850bean.ServiceSupport
- gooseMax - Variable in class com.beanit.iec61850bean.ServiceSupport
- SclParseException - Exception in com.beanit.iec61850bean
- SclParseException(Exception) - Constructor for exception com.beanit.iec61850bean.SclParseException
- SclParseException(String) - Constructor for exception com.beanit.iec61850bean.SclParseException
- SclParser - Class in com.beanit.iec61850bean
- SE - com.beanit.iec61850bean.Fc
Setting group editable
- select(FcModelNode) - Method in class com.beanit.iec61850bean.ClientAssociation
Performs the Select ACSI Service of the control model on the given controllable Data Object
- send(byte[], int, int) - Method in class com.beanit.jositransport.TConnection
- send(ByteBuffer) - Method in class com.beanit.josistack.AcseAssociation
- send(List<byte[]>, List<Integer>, List<Integer>) - Method in class com.beanit.jositransport.TConnection
- ServerAcseSap - Class in com.beanit.josistack
This class implements the server Service Access Point (SAP) for the Application Control Service
Element (ACSE) protocol as defined by ISO 8650 or ITU X.217/X.227.
- ServerAcseSap(int, int, InetAddress, AcseAssociationListener) - Constructor for class com.beanit.josistack.ServerAcseSap
Use this constructor to create a server ACSE SAP that listens on a fixed port.
- ServerAcseSap(int, int, InetAddress, AcseAssociationListener, ServerSocketFactory) - Constructor for class com.beanit.josistack.ServerAcseSap
Use this constructor to create a server ACSE SAP that listens on a fixed port.
- ServerEventListener - Interface in com.beanit.iec61850bean
- ServerModel - Class in com.beanit.iec61850bean
- ServerModel(List<LogicalDevice>, Collection<DataSet>) - Constructor for class com.beanit.iec61850bean.ServerModel
- ServerModelParser - Class in com.beanit.iec61850bean.clientgui
- ServerModelParser(ServerModel) - Constructor for class com.beanit.iec61850bean.clientgui.ServerModelParser
- ServerSap - Class in com.beanit.iec61850bean
The ServerSap
class represents the IEC 61850 service access point for server
- ServerSap(int, int, InetAddress, ServerModel, ServerSocketFactory) - Constructor for class com.beanit.iec61850bean.ServerSap
Creates a ServerSap.
- serverStoppedListening(ServerSap) - Method in interface com.beanit.iec61850bean.ServerEventListener
- serverStoppedListeningIndication(IOException) - Method in interface com.beanit.josistack.AcseAssociationListener
- serverStoppedListeningIndication(IOException) - Method in class com.beanit.josistack.ServerAcseSap
This function is internal and should not be called by users of this class.
- serverStoppedListeningIndication(IOException) - Method in interface com.beanit.jositransport.TConnectionListener
This function is only called when an IOException in ServerSocket.accept() occurred which was
not forced using ServerTSAP.stopListening()
- serverTSap - Variable in class com.beanit.josistack.ServerAcseSap
- ServerTSap - Class in com.beanit.jositransport
This class implements the server Transport Service Access Point (TSAP) over TCP/IP as defined in
RFC 1006, ISO 8072, and ISO 8073.
- ServerTSap(int, int, InetAddress, TConnectionListener) - Constructor for class com.beanit.jositransport.ServerTSap
Use this constructor to create a server TSAP that can listen on a port.
- ServerTSap(int, int, InetAddress, TConnectionListener, ServerSocketFactory) - Constructor for class com.beanit.jositransport.ServerTSap
Use this constructor to create a server TSAP that can listen on a port, with a specified
- ServerTSap(int, TConnectionListener) - Constructor for class com.beanit.jositransport.ServerTSap
Use this constructor to create a server TSAP that can listen on a port.
- ServiceError - Exception in com.beanit.iec61850bean
- ServiceError(int) - Constructor for exception com.beanit.iec61850bean.ServiceError
- ServiceError(int, String) - Constructor for exception com.beanit.iec61850bean.ServiceError
- ServiceError(int, String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.beanit.iec61850bean.ServiceError
- ServiceError(int, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.beanit.iec61850bean.ServiceError
- ServiceSupport - Class in com.beanit.iec61850bean
- ServiceSupport() - Constructor for class com.beanit.iec61850bean.ServiceSupport
- setAeQualifierCalled(int) - Method in class com.beanit.iec61850bean.ClientSap
Sets the remote/called Application Entity Qualifier.
- setAeQualifierCalled(int) - Method in class com.beanit.josistack.ClientAcseSap
- setAeQualifierCalling(int) - Method in class com.beanit.iec61850bean.ClientSap
Sets the local/calling Application Entity Qualifier.
- setAeQualifierCalling(int) - Method in class com.beanit.josistack.ClientAcseSap
- setApplicationTrigger(boolean) - Method in class com.beanit.iec61850bean.BdaReasonForInclusion
- setApTitleCalled(int[]) - Method in class com.beanit.iec61850bean.ClientSap
Sets the remote/called Application Process Title.
- setApTitleCalled(int[]) - Method in class com.beanit.josistack.ClientAcseSap
- setApTitleCalling(int[]) - Method in class com.beanit.iec61850bean.ClientSap
Sets the local/calling Application Process Title.
- setApTitleCalling(int[]) - Method in class com.beanit.josistack.ClientAcseSap
- setBacklog(int) - Method in class com.beanit.iec61850bean.ServerSap
Sets the maximum queue length for incoming connection indications (a request to connect) is set
to the backlog parameter.
- setBadReference(boolean) - Method in class com.beanit.iec61850bean.BdaQuality
- setBindAddress(InetAddress) - Method in class com.beanit.iec61850bean.ServerSap
Sets the local IP address to bind to, pass null to bind to all
- setBufferOverflow(boolean) - Method in class com.beanit.iec61850bean.BdaOptFlds
- setConfigRevision(boolean) - Method in class com.beanit.iec61850bean.BdaOptFlds
- setCurrentTime() - Method in class com.beanit.iec61850bean.BdaTimestamp
Sets Timestamp to current time
- setDataChange(boolean) - Method in class com.beanit.iec61850bean.BdaReasonForInclusion
- setDataChange(boolean) - Method in class com.beanit.iec61850bean.BdaTriggerConditions
- setDataRef(String) - Method in class com.beanit.iec61850bean.ReportEntryData
- setDataReference(boolean) - Method in class com.beanit.iec61850bean.BdaOptFlds
- setDataSetName(boolean) - Method in class com.beanit.iec61850bean.BdaOptFlds
- setDataSetValues(DataSet) - Method in class com.beanit.iec61850bean.ClientAssociation
- setDataUpdate(boolean) - Method in class com.beanit.iec61850bean.BdaReasonForInclusion
- setDataUpdate(boolean) - Method in class com.beanit.iec61850bean.BdaTriggerConditions
- setDataValues(FcModelNode) - Method in class com.beanit.iec61850bean.ClientAssociation
The implementation of the SetDataValues ACSI service.
- setDefault() - Method in class com.beanit.iec61850bean.BasicDataAttribute
- setDefault() - Method in class com.beanit.iec61850bean.BdaBitString
Initializes BIT_STRING with all zeros
- setDefault() - Method in class com.beanit.iec61850bean.BdaBoolean
- setDefault() - Method in class com.beanit.iec61850bean.BdaDoubleBitPos
Sets the value to DoubleBitPos.OFF
- setDefault() - Method in class com.beanit.iec61850bean.BdaEntryTime
Sets EntryTime to byte[6] with all zeros
- setDefault() - Method in class com.beanit.iec61850bean.BdaFloat32
- setDefault() - Method in class com.beanit.iec61850bean.BdaFloat64
- setDefault() - Method in class com.beanit.iec61850bean.BdaInt128
- setDefault() - Method in class com.beanit.iec61850bean.BdaInt16
- setDefault() - Method in class com.beanit.iec61850bean.BdaInt16U
- setDefault() - Method in class com.beanit.iec61850bean.BdaInt32
- setDefault() - Method in class com.beanit.iec61850bean.BdaInt32U
- setDefault() - Method in class com.beanit.iec61850bean.BdaInt64
- setDefault() - Method in class com.beanit.iec61850bean.BdaInt8
- setDefault() - Method in class com.beanit.iec61850bean.BdaInt8U
- setDefault() - Method in class com.beanit.iec61850bean.BdaOctetString
- setDefault() - Method in class com.beanit.iec61850bean.BdaOptFlds
- setDefault() - Method in class com.beanit.iec61850bean.BdaQuality
- setDefault() - Method in class com.beanit.iec61850bean.BdaTapCommand
Sets the value to TapCommand.STOP
- setDefault() - Method in class com.beanit.iec61850bean.BdaTimestamp
Sets Timestamp the empty byte array (indicating an invalid Timestamp)
- setDefault() - Method in class com.beanit.iec61850bean.BdaTriggerConditions
- setDefault() - Method in class com.beanit.iec61850bean.BdaUnicodeString
- setDefault() - Method in class com.beanit.iec61850bean.BdaVisibleString
- setDouble(Double) - Method in class com.beanit.iec61850bean.BdaFloat64
- setDoubleBitPos(BdaDoubleBitPos.DoubleBitPos) - Method in class com.beanit.iec61850bean.BdaDoubleBitPos
- setEntryId(boolean) - Method in class com.beanit.iec61850bean.BdaOptFlds
- setFailure(boolean) - Method in class com.beanit.iec61850bean.BdaQuality
- setFloat(Float) - Method in class com.beanit.iec61850bean.BdaFloat32
- setGeneralInterrogation(boolean) - Method in class com.beanit.iec61850bean.BdaReasonForInclusion
- setGeneralInterrogation(boolean) - Method in class com.beanit.iec61850bean.BdaTriggerConditions
- setId(long) - Method in class com.beanit.iec61850bean.ReportEntryData
- setInaccurate(boolean) - Method in class com.beanit.iec61850bean.BdaQuality
- setInconsistent(boolean) - Method in class com.beanit.iec61850bean.BdaQuality
- setInstant(Instant) - Method in class com.beanit.iec61850bean.BdaTimestamp
- setInstant(Instant, boolean, boolean, boolean, int) - Method in class com.beanit.iec61850bean.BdaTimestamp
- setIntegrity(boolean) - Method in class com.beanit.iec61850bean.BdaReasonForInclusion
- setIntegrity(boolean) - Method in class com.beanit.iec61850bean.BdaTriggerConditions
- setInterlockCheck(boolean) - Method in class com.beanit.iec61850bean.BdaCheck
- setMaxAssociations(int) - Method in class com.beanit.iec61850bean.ServerSap
Set the maximum number of associations that are allowed in parallel by the server.
- setMaxConnections(int) - Method in class com.beanit.jositransport.ServerTSap
Set the maximum number of connections that are allowed in parallel by the Server SAP.
- setMaxMmsPduSize(int) - Method in class com.beanit.iec61850bean.ClientSap
Sets the maximum MMS PDU size in bytes that the client association will support.
- setMaxMmsPduSize(int) - Method in class com.beanit.iec61850bean.ServerSap
Sets the maximum MMS PDU size in bytes that the server will support.
- setMaxTPDUSizeParam(int) - Method in class com.beanit.jositransport.ClientTSap
Set the maxTPDUSize.
- setMaxTPDUSizeParam(int) - Method in class com.beanit.jositransport.ServerTSap
Set the maxTPDUSize.
- setMaxTPduSizeParameter(int) - Method in class com.beanit.iec61850bean.ClientSap
Set the maxTPDUSize.
- setMessageFragmentTimeout(int) - Method in class com.beanit.iec61850bean.ClientSap
Sets the message fragment timeout.
- setMessageFragmentTimeout(int) - Method in class com.beanit.iec61850bean.ServerSap
Sets the message fragment timeout.
- setMessageFragmentTimeout(int) - Method in class com.beanit.jositransport.ClientTSap
Set the TConnection timeout for receiving data once the beginning of a message has been
- setMessageFragmentTimeout(int) - Method in class com.beanit.jositransport.ServerTSap
Set the TConnection timeout for receiving data once the beginning of a message has been
- setMessageFragmentTimeout(int) - Method in class com.beanit.jositransport.TConnection
Set the TConnection timeout for receiving data once the beginning of a message has been
- setMessageTimeout(int) - Method in class com.beanit.josistack.AcseAssociation
- setMessageTimeout(int) - Method in class com.beanit.jositransport.ClientTSap
Set the TConnection timeout for waiting for the first byte of a new message.
- setMessageTimeout(int) - Method in class com.beanit.jositransport.ServerTSap
Set the TConnection timeout for waiting for the first byte of a new message.
- setMessageTimeout(int) - Method in class com.beanit.jositransport.TConnection
Set the TConnection timeout for waiting for the first byte of a new message.
- setOldData(boolean) - Method in class com.beanit.iec61850bean.BdaQuality
- setOperatorBlocked(boolean) - Method in class com.beanit.iec61850bean.BdaQuality
- setOscillatory(boolean) - Method in class com.beanit.iec61850bean.BdaQuality
- setOutOfRange(boolean) - Method in class com.beanit.iec61850bean.BdaQuality
- setOverflow(boolean) - Method in class com.beanit.iec61850bean.BdaQuality
- setPort(int) - Method in class com.beanit.iec61850bean.ServerSap
Sets local port to listen on for new connections.
- setProposedDataStructureNestingLevel(int) - Method in class com.beanit.iec61850bean.ServerSap
Sets the ProposedDataStructureNestingLevel parameter.
- setProposedMaxServOutstandingCalled(int) - Method in class com.beanit.iec61850bean.ServerSap
Sets the ProposedMaxServOutstandingCalled parameter.The given parameter has no affect on the
functionality of this server.
- setProposedMaxServOutstandingCalling(int) - Method in class com.beanit.iec61850bean.ServerSap
Sets the ProposedMaxServOutstandingCalling parameter.
- setPSelLocal(byte[]) - Method in class com.beanit.iec61850bean.ClientSap
Sets the local/calling Presentation-Selector (P-SEL).
- setPSelRemote(byte[]) - Method in class com.beanit.iec61850bean.ClientSap
Sets the remote/called Presentation-Selector (P-SEL).
- setQualityChange(boolean) - Method in class com.beanit.iec61850bean.BdaReasonForInclusion
- setQualityChange(boolean) - Method in class com.beanit.iec61850bean.BdaTriggerConditions
- setRcbValues(Rcb, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Method in class com.beanit.iec61850bean.ClientAssociation
Sets the selected values of the given report control block.
- setReasonCode(ReportEntryData.ReasonCode) - Method in class com.beanit.iec61850bean.ReportEntryData
- setReasonForInclusion(boolean) - Method in class com.beanit.iec61850bean.BdaOptFlds
- setReport(Report) - Method in class com.beanit.iec61850bean.ReportEntryData
- setReportTimestamp(boolean) - Method in class com.beanit.iec61850bean.BdaOptFlds
- setResponseTimeout(int) - Method in class com.beanit.iec61850bean.ClientAssociation
Sets the response timeout.
- setResponseTimeout(int) - Method in class com.beanit.iec61850bean.ClientSap
Sets the default response timeout of the ClientAssociation
that is created using
this ClientSap.
- setSegmentation(boolean) - Method in class com.beanit.iec61850bean.BdaOptFlds
- setSequenceNumber(boolean) - Method in class com.beanit.iec61850bean.BdaOptFlds
- setServerModel(ServerModel) - Method in class com.beanit.iec61850bean.ClientAssociation
Set the server model instead of retrieving it from the server device.
- setServerSocketFactory(ServerSocketFactory) - Method in class com.beanit.iec61850bean.ServerSap
Sets the factory class to generate the ServerSocket.
- setServicesSupportedCalled(byte[]) - Method in class com.beanit.iec61850bean.ServerSap
Sets the SevicesSupportedCalled parameter.
- setServicesSupportedCalling(byte[]) - Method in class com.beanit.iec61850bean.ClientSap
Sets the SevicesSupportedCalling parameter.
- setSocketFactory(SocketFactory) - Method in class com.beanit.jositransport.ClientTSap
- setSSelLocal(byte[]) - Method in class com.beanit.iec61850bean.ClientSap
Sets the local/calling Session-Selector (S-SEL).
- setSSelRemote(byte[]) - Method in class com.beanit.iec61850bean.ClientSap
Sets the remote/called Session-Selector (S-SEL).
- setSubstituted(boolean) - Method in class com.beanit.iec61850bean.BdaQuality
- setSynchrocheck(boolean) - Method in class com.beanit.iec61850bean.BdaCheck
- setTapCommand(BdaTapCommand.TapCommand) - Method in class com.beanit.iec61850bean.BdaTapCommand
- setTest(boolean) - Method in class com.beanit.iec61850bean.BdaQuality
- setTimestamp(long) - Method in class com.beanit.iec61850bean.BdaEntryTime
Set the value of this object to the given timestamp, where timestamp is the number of ms since
epoch 1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC.
- SettingsFrame - Class in com.beanit.iec61850bean.clientgui
- SettingsFrame() - Constructor for class com.beanit.iec61850bean.clientgui.SettingsFrame
- setTselLocal(byte[]) - Method in class com.beanit.iec61850bean.clientgui.SettingsFrame
- setTSelLocal(byte[]) - Method in class com.beanit.iec61850bean.ClientSap
Sets the local/calling Transport-Selector (T-SEL).
- setTselRemote(byte[]) - Method in class com.beanit.iec61850bean.clientgui.SettingsFrame
- setTSelRemote(byte[]) - Method in class com.beanit.iec61850bean.ClientSap
Sets the remote/called Transport-Selector (T-SEL).
- setValidity(BdaQuality.Validity) - Method in class com.beanit.iec61850bean.BdaQuality
- setValue(boolean) - Method in class com.beanit.iec61850bean.BdaBoolean
- setValue(byte) - Method in class com.beanit.iec61850bean.BdaInt8
- setValue(byte[]) - Method in class com.beanit.iec61850bean.BdaBitString
- setValue(byte[]) - Method in class com.beanit.iec61850bean.BdaEntryTime
- setValue(byte[]) - Method in class com.beanit.iec61850bean.BdaFloat32
- setValue(byte[]) - Method in class com.beanit.iec61850bean.BdaFloat64
- setValue(byte[]) - Method in class com.beanit.iec61850bean.BdaOctetString
- setValue(byte[]) - Method in class com.beanit.iec61850bean.BdaTimestamp
- setValue(byte[]) - Method in class com.beanit.iec61850bean.BdaUnicodeString
- setValue(byte[]) - Method in class com.beanit.iec61850bean.BdaVisibleString
- setValue(int) - Method in class com.beanit.iec61850bean.BdaInt16U
- setValue(int) - Method in class com.beanit.iec61850bean.BdaInt32
- setValue(long) - Method in class com.beanit.iec61850bean.BdaInt128
- setValue(long) - Method in class com.beanit.iec61850bean.BdaInt32U
- setValue(long) - Method in class com.beanit.iec61850bean.BdaInt64
- setValue(short) - Method in class com.beanit.iec61850bean.BdaInt16
- setValue(short) - Method in class com.beanit.iec61850bean.BdaInt8U
- setValue(ModelNode) - Method in class com.beanit.iec61850bean.ReportEntryData
- setValue(String) - Method in class com.beanit.iec61850bean.BdaVisibleString
- setValueFrom(BasicDataAttribute) - Method in class com.beanit.iec61850bean.BasicDataAttribute
- setValueFrom(BasicDataAttribute) - Method in class com.beanit.iec61850bean.BdaBitString
- setValueFrom(BasicDataAttribute) - Method in class com.beanit.iec61850bean.BdaBoolean
- setValueFrom(BasicDataAttribute) - Method in class com.beanit.iec61850bean.BdaEntryTime
- setValueFrom(BasicDataAttribute) - Method in class com.beanit.iec61850bean.BdaFloat32
- setValueFrom(BasicDataAttribute) - Method in class com.beanit.iec61850bean.BdaFloat64
- setValueFrom(BasicDataAttribute) - Method in class com.beanit.iec61850bean.BdaInt128
- setValueFrom(BasicDataAttribute) - Method in class com.beanit.iec61850bean.BdaInt16
- setValueFrom(BasicDataAttribute) - Method in class com.beanit.iec61850bean.BdaInt16U
- setValueFrom(BasicDataAttribute) - Method in class com.beanit.iec61850bean.BdaInt32
- setValueFrom(BasicDataAttribute) - Method in class com.beanit.iec61850bean.BdaInt32U
- setValueFrom(BasicDataAttribute) - Method in class com.beanit.iec61850bean.BdaInt64
- setValueFrom(BasicDataAttribute) - Method in class com.beanit.iec61850bean.BdaInt8
- setValueFrom(BasicDataAttribute) - Method in class com.beanit.iec61850bean.BdaInt8U
- setValueFrom(BasicDataAttribute) - Method in class com.beanit.iec61850bean.BdaOctetString
- setValueFrom(BasicDataAttribute) - Method in class com.beanit.iec61850bean.BdaTimestamp
- setValueFrom(BasicDataAttribute) - Method in class com.beanit.iec61850bean.BdaUnicodeString
- setValueFrom(BasicDataAttribute) - Method in class com.beanit.iec61850bean.BdaVisibleString
- setValues(List<BasicDataAttribute>) - Method in class com.beanit.iec61850bean.ServerSap
- SG - com.beanit.iec61850bean.Fc
Setting group
- size() - Method in class com.beanit.iec61850bean.Array
- size() - Method in class com.beanit.iec61850bean.ObjectReference
- SP - com.beanit.iec61850bean.Fc
- SR - com.beanit.iec61850bean.Fc
Service response / Service tracking
- sSelLocal - Variable in class com.beanit.josistack.ClientAcseSap
- sSelRemote - Variable in class com.beanit.josistack.ClientAcseSap
- ST - com.beanit.iec61850bean.Fc
Status information
- startGi(Rcb) - Method in class com.beanit.iec61850bean.ClientAssociation
- startListening() - Method in class com.beanit.josistack.ServerAcseSap
Start listening for incoming connections.
- startListening() - Method in class com.beanit.jositransport.ServerTSap
Starts a new thread that listens on the configured port.
- startListening(ServerEventListener) - Method in class com.beanit.iec61850bean.ServerSap
Creates a server socket waiting on the configured port for incoming association requests.
- stop() - Method in class com.beanit.iec61850bean.ServerSap
Stops listening for new connections and closes all existing connections/associations.
- STOP - com.beanit.iec61850bean.BdaTapCommand.TapCommand
- stopListening() - Method in class com.beanit.josistack.ServerAcseSap
- stopListening() - Method in class com.beanit.jositransport.ServerTSap
Stop listing on the port.
- SV - com.beanit.iec61850bean.Fc
- valueChanged(TreeSelectionEvent) - Method in class com.beanit.iec61850bean.clientgui.ClientGui
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.beanit.iec61850bean.BdaDoubleBitPos.DoubleBitPos
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.beanit.iec61850bean.BdaQuality.Validity
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.beanit.iec61850bean.BdaTapCommand.TapCommand
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.beanit.iec61850bean.BdaType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.beanit.iec61850bean.Fc
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.beanit.iec61850bean.ReportEntryData.ReasonCode
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- values() - Static method in enum com.beanit.iec61850bean.BdaDoubleBitPos.DoubleBitPos
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum com.beanit.iec61850bean.BdaQuality.Validity
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum com.beanit.iec61850bean.BdaTapCommand.TapCommand
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum com.beanit.iec61850bean.BdaType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum com.beanit.iec61850bean.Fc
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum com.beanit.iec61850bean.ReportEntryData.ReasonCode
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- VISIBLE_STRING - com.beanit.iec61850bean.BdaType
- VisibleStringDataBind - Class in com.beanit.iec61850bean.clientgui.databind
- VisibleStringDataBind(BdaVisibleString) - Constructor for class com.beanit.iec61850bean.clientgui.databind.VisibleStringDataBind